Button Polyps for Beginners?


Hi everyone, I'm fairly new here and still deciding what's going in my nano reef. I've read the stickies regarding palytoxins in both the newbie section of the forum as well as here, and now I'm a little worried.

I desperately want to start with a button polyp or two. I've heard they're a good beginner coral and some of them are absolutely stunning! If I've read all the warnings and I know to wear gloves, should I be safe with one? I live in a town in the middle of nowhere with a cruddy local hospital and I doubt they know what palytoxin poisoning is.

If y'all think a button would be alright for a beginner, will it be happy in my future set up? If not, would something similar work?

7.9 gallon Fluval Flora/ebi repurposed
8lb chunk of live rock
PAR38 bulb
Tunze Osmolator
cuc of nassarius and astrea snails, lettuce nudibranchs, rock hitchhikers
And a few soft corals
(I'm not starting with a protein skimmer but will add one if needed later or suggested to me)

Thank you so much! And sorry if I posted this in the wrong spot. I was hoping for info from you zoa nuts directly, as I'd like to be one of you someday :).

You'll be fine. Just don't touch it. Use tongs. Or even better, don't put your hands in your tank
Zoanthids and Palythoas make a wonderful addition to a reef biotope. Their colors and patterns can rival many of their cousins. Most of them are easy to care for and grow at a fast clip. Having said this, however their are numerous other corals that fit the bill as well! Having a keen sense of chemical warfare, sweeper tentacles, and consuming neighboring corals is crucial to your success and that of your corals.
I have had Zoanthids and Palys for years without incidents sending me to the hospital. Gloves, washing your hands religiously and keeping eyes and face away from corals and hands while working in your tank will provide you with the tools to be safe while maintaining a beautiful and rewarding reef biotope.
Do some research prior to buying you next coral of fish for husbandry and compatibility requirements, to provide the highest success rate in creating a viable reef environment!
Good luck!
Thanks Coralreefer, I think I'm going to go with the button once my tank is done cycling! I'm planning on putting it bottom-center and adding two or three softies off to the far sides on the rock. Hopefully no tentacle-touching for my crew!