Button "sent to unit" don't activated (7097)?!!


Button "sent to unit" don't activated (7097 controller) ?!!
I installed all soft (Java, Flip, Soft)

My best guess is the Com port needs to be configured, the software only checks Com 1-5 for the 7097, if it is on a higher Com port, it won't be found.
Tunze soft have
driver ATMEGA32U4 - its installed OK
Driver Tunze7097 USB virtual serial - DONT work in Windows 7
So far I have only checked on the site of the processor company, Atmel.com, their is a lot of information and the general impression is that it works on Windows 7 with latest service pack, unfortunately we used Windows 7 here until this year and had to upgrade to 10 for the latest UPS program so I have no way to test. I have written the factory, but I suspect the issue is either 32 bit vs 64bit or an update and it should work.
Are you logged in to Windows 7 as the Administrator? It should work on Windows XP-10, but you have to be logged in as the Admin.