by far the best in town for corals

Yes people yes people skallywagg is RIP deep in the ocean. But don't worry he left author behind. I haven't bought anything from Ken but did reunited my good good buddy with him. When I get my cube up and going I do an on buying my stuff from him. I wonder if he can get fish.
check out this new Acanthastrea lordhowensis I picked up this last week.
it's From the Coralman, who else? here are sum pictures…beautiful…. Beautiful…


100 bucs that is one zero zero clams, green backs, cheddar, cash money…. I thought it was a very good deal what do you all think….and I believe he has 1 or 2 more just like this one….

+1 on the price wont break the bank,I think when he gets his next shipment he is dropping the prices to make room!
Ken has been a good friend of mine for years, I do not have any corals from him yet. most of my setups(clients)are fo or lps/softies..AN SPS setup is in the near future..GOD I miss my 180!!!(no room for that in this house)
Can't wait see see ya put one up too reign. Hopefully in a couple months my will be up and going. Hey wonlove you should post some pics of your tank. One would love to sea it
Hey kbart I was on glasscages today you should look they have a special on cubes!!
I sent them an email (they were closed due to the weather)we'll see when the next time they roll through..I was looking at the 60 or 100 cube ..we really need to start looking..I'll hit you up!!
Hello I am kind of new to the area been here for 2 yrs now and I have had my aquarium running for the whole time since the move but I cant find very many good corals around town that are'nt way over priced or half way dead. Does any one know how i can get in touch with this guy?
Hello I am kind of new to the area been here for 2 yrs now and I have had my aquarium running for the whole time since the move but I cant find very many good corals around town that are'nt way over priced or half way dead. Does any one know how i can get in touch with this guy?

Welcome to our little reef forum. What kind of tank do you have?
I would love to give you the #, (BTW he has since changed it due to some CL harassment) but since I do not know you personally Ill have to wait..It is his private # and wouldn't want for him to have to change it again..KIT or go to the next meeting ..
Just talked to Ken (aka coral-man) today and he says it is ok for me to give you his New #
Reefmakers, sgallant04 you have a PM!
Does this guy only have SPS corals? I am new to salt water and I am looking for corals to add to my tank. So far I have Xenia, Galaxea, a zoa, and frogspawn. I am not really looking for any sps but would love to see what kind of stuff he has.

BTW my xenia is growing a lot. I might have to take some of it out in a month or so. Instead of throwing it away I would be willing to give it to anyone who wants it.
Ken pretty much strictly carries sps ..The nice thing is they actually have color ans opposed to most sps you see in stores here in town....He also has lots of clams and some nice collector lps..
I purchased a few items from Ken. I liked the corals and my wife was very pleased to see he is running it as a legit business with his license posted and receipts available. I would be happy to buy again.