Ca/Alk planning


New member
Looking for some experienced input.

I am conceptualizing a 48"x30"24" sps only reef. Very minimal rockwork in the display. And only 3-4 types of acro max.

I plan to supplement Ca/Alk with a CaRXR and saturated kalk ATO. But I'm stuck on the though of when to start the reactor up.

Ca/Alk demand would be rather minimal a first. So do I plumb it into the circuit and as monitoring indicates increased demand bring it 'on-line'. Or have it running from the start.

So, you have an imaginary reef and your stuck on when to turn on the calcium reactor?

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You start your dosing, in whatever way you wanr, when you detect that your Alk/Ca levels can not be kept with weekly water changes.
Just wanting to plan for success.

My previous reef had a bit of a chemical roller coaster ride when I brought the CaRXR online a year into its growth.