I'm thinking of using Randy's 3 part supplement mix Ca/Alk/Mg for cost savings. I was wondering if anyone have had problems with their SPS after using:
Dow Flakes -Ca
Arm and Hammer Baking Soda - ALk
Dead Sea Works - Mg
My SPS are flourishing right now and I'm affraid to use the following products due to impurities. Should I use these products or stay with high priced reef brands like SeaChem, Kent, ESV etc? Any opinions?
Dow Flakes -Ca
Arm and Hammer Baking Soda - ALk
Dead Sea Works - Mg
My SPS are flourishing right now and I'm affraid to use the following products due to impurities. Should I use these products or stay with high priced reef brands like SeaChem, Kent, ESV etc? Any opinions?