Calcium/nitrate probes

If they could be accurately integrated into the ProfiLux it would set the standard VERY high to say the least.
Pinpoint makes probes for these parameters. Anyone Know how they would work for us?

You will note on these types of measuring equipment they are only a spot check and must be calibrated prior to use.
At this time no one has managed to make a probe that is continuous use for permanent immersion in sea water!
Which is what they need to be to align with the profilux control.

We already have the only controller with salinity
And actually the Apex does have a salinity module. Price and usage wise more of a pain. But if you only have a profilux 3 model, then you also have to buy an additional conductivity card and probe.
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You will note on these types of measuring equipment they are only a spot check and must be calibrated prior to use.
At this time no one has managed to make a probe that is continuous use for permanent immersion in sea water!
Which is what they need to be to align with the profilux control.

And actually the Apex does have a salinity module. Price and usage wise more of a pain. But if you only have a profilux 3 model, then you also have to buy an additional conductivity card and probe.

Well it's a dream anyway.
yep sadly just a myth in the reef world, all these probes require a saturated membrane to absorb the correct magic (bet you are really impressed now with my techno talk ;) )

Due to the way they work, saturation is reached and cant be reset without re-calibration so only dip testing can be achieved.