Calling all 180 gallon owner


New member
I just picked up a 180 gallon tank for my upgrade. It is an upgrade from a 100 gallon currently running. I am going to use my existing lights dual 175 watt halide with LB mini reflectors and just aquired a 250 retro that is going to be in the middle.
The 180 has a middle overflow with 2 1.5" drain and 2 1/2" return holes on top towards the back. Should I run the drain seperately or should I tie them into a one biggerone before it goes into the sump? What will be the best return pump for it, I want to go insump return. As far as overflow, what did you guys use so they are quiet? I currentlyhave the durso on the 100. For flow inside the tank i was thinking, just to get the tank going to get 4 MJ1200 with the Sureflow mod? I want to start keeping SPS
I will begin the stand and canopy built this weekend, and want to start ordering what i need to set this tank up.

Thanks in advance

I am running a DIY Skimmer with 1 meshmodded Sicce. I can add another pump if I want to but will hold off on that. That is about 700 gallons I think. That might be a little too low. I am running a mag 12 in my current set up with just one overflow.

Tie the drains into seperate pipes. In case one gets clogged by a snail, you never have to worry about the other and its easier to troubleshoot. I'd run just 2 lights, not 3. You could use the lumenbrights for a larger spread or lumenarcs and save 33% off your electric bill. If you want an insump return, just pick up an eheim. Roughly about 900 gph. After headloss, you are looking at about 700ish. Most skimmers run at about 500gph. You only need to match it but I like to go a little more to get more flow through my sump. Use the durso also on your 180. If you want your 180 to look nice, just get 2 Vortechs. Take up much less room and look VERY nice. If you are going to do it now, do it right IMO. You will want at least 6K gph running through that and 2 vortechs will do it.
I'm running a return pump rated much higher for my tank (a dart). I've also plumbed in a reactor manifold off the return that uses a good deal of the surplus flow.

What is the downside of running higher sump flow than your skimmer can handle?
I think I will get a slightly bigger pump and build a manifold so i will have the feed for a reactor or recirc my skimmer, when i decided to do it. I don't think 2 lights will cover the entire length of the tank. with the LB mini, i am going to have to raised them quite a bit and I don't have the overhead space where the tank is going to be set up in.

you will need the durso on your 180 ..
i have a similar setup but single drain and return..
it was LOUD!
i have 3 175watt halides over mine and they light it up more than enough so your lighting will do great. good luck
You might need to stick with 3 lights then.

BigJay, there is no downside except wasted flow. It's not very effecient to run a dart as a return for the wattage. Also, you don't need alot of flow through a sump. Just enough for the skimmer to get fresh water from the tank and if you use a refugium.
I have a 180, i push about 1500 to 2000 gph through my fuge. I use a small mag 7 to feed my skimmer. I have had real good luck with higher flow in the fuge, even a fuge likes some flow.
Just to refresh my memory about the durso, you need one size bigger than the drain, right?Or is it 2 sizes up. I have 1.5" overflow, should I go with the 2" durso? I don't think PVC pipes come in 1.75", do they?
By the way, any of you guys DIY your stand and canopy?
It really doesn't matter on the flow in the fuge. Either way, it can only pull out so much anyway and I highly doubt it can keep up with 2000 gph plowing through it. I'm not saying it is bad to have a high flow but really there isn't a need and it is a waste. Go with a smaller pump and you can save electricity. Also less flow equates to a much lower change of microbubbles and needing lots of baffles.
depends on what type of macro you grow. If found many use a ph in the fuge when they have cheato. I just use the main pump. Also seems to help with water to air exchange when you turn more over. But like u said, cost more to run a bigger pump.