Calling all MOORISH IDOL owners


In Memoriam
For some reason nobody will answer this question for me, I've tried several times to get an answer please help me!!

Heres the Question: For those of you who have or have had them

What corals will a Moorish Idol nip or eat in a reef tank? What about Clams? I know everything else about them thank you, this is all I"m interested in.

Sorry if that sounds mean, I just really need a straitforward answer, and I know each one is different, i"m just looking for your personal experiences. Thanks a bunch Ryan :D
There's a whole thread dedicated to these animals. And I do suggest, if you are interested in attempting to keep them, that you do as much research as you can by yourself and not just ask questions on a board. That being said, I also think the first thing to worry about in regard to these fish is their longevety in aquaria, as most do not live long enough to even try to nip at a coral.

That being said, some of the successful people have kept them in reefs.
Moorish Idol will nip at most polyps on the corals soft and hard, but that doesn't mean all of them will. A well feed Idol will less likely to nip your corals, I have kept Idol in a reef tank without any problem in the past. The key is to feed them often, keep their belly full. You could try to keep a Idol in its own tank to start, feed often and slowly add some inexpensive coral like star polyps and some soft coral, if your Idol leave the corals alone then most likely you won't have a problem in your display tank. Clam should not be a problem, but small invert may be in danger, but as I mention before, a well feed fish are less likely to bother anything else.

Good luck
thanks a lot skylab. I really appreciate it. keep it coming guys.

I have done a lot of reading in other threads about what to feed them and how they aren't really long lived animals in captivity. I've kept extra attention on the people who have kept them alive. I've been looking into this fish for 3 months now. So i appreciate everyone who has tried to point me in the right direction