Calurpa... How frequently to cut it back?


New member
Okay so I just bought some green grape calurpa about one week ago.

Parts of it haved turned clear and so I have been cutting back the clear parts...

Should I be doing that?

What is the best way to trim it and how do I know that I'm doing this right?


Hi Debra,

Keep Caulerpa's main horizontal stem right around 12" or less. When you cut caulerpa you should only cut it at one place at a time. Caulerpa is actually one giant cell (it's a siphonous or coenocytic algae) so when it is damaged a lot of the cell contents can spew out a wound.

When caulerpa reproduces sexually the entire "plant" turns clear and releases smoky gametes. Shortly after this it dies. Caulerpa does produce some toxins. If a large amount of caulerpa dies or "goes sexual" in an aquarium it can harm the tank. That's why I say keep individual plants small. If one individual dies or "goes sexual" it will only release a bit of toxin. If all of your caulerpa dies or goes sexual it can release quite a bit of toxins and do anything from irritate to kill organisms in the tank depending on how much caulerpa has died, what kind of organisms are in the aquarium, what kind of filtration is on the aquarium, etc.

I think the parts of the caulerpa that turned white were probably damaged in transport. Is this caulerpa in your main tank or in a refugium / algae filter? What kind of lighting do you have the Caulerpa under? Do you test your nitrates and phosphates? If so, what are they? Do you have other algae growing fast?

Thanks for your reply.

I have a 65 watt blue actinic power compact bulb and a 65 watt 10,000 k power compact bulb over a 25 gallon tank.

nitrates are 10
ammonia 0
nitrites 0
salinity 1.025
temp 77

I do have some cyanobacteria in the tank that is pretty much under control ( only a little bit on the glass and on the gravel that I try to clean up every day) It suddenly appeared after I put in the new lights. I suspect that I do have some phosphates in the tank but haven't tested the level yet. I did add a phosphate filter to the Hang on the back filter and that seemed to help.

Also, considering adding a powerhead to help up the water movement. Any recommendations?

The calurpa is in the main tank. I only have about one cup's worth.

I'm planning on getting a cpr refugium but I'm still in the planning stages for that because I will be moving this summer I wanted to hold off on that....

The lights are on 10 hours a day.

I have red grape kelp in a separate tank that has been thriving, but no other plants in this tank except the calurpa and some cyanobacteria and green algae...

Thanks for your expertise,

It's much appreciated!


How much water movement do you have now? Do you think you don't have enough? Increasing your water movement would probably help get rid of the cyanobacteria as it doesn't like a lot of water movement.
