Camel Shrimp = Zoa enemy ! !


New member
Hey all. I am new to the world of Zoa's, well I have had my first frags for maybe close to 2 months now. My first 3 frags, one is my Avatar I have, have been great. I went to a LFS the other day and picked up 3 other frags, noticed that about a day or two later I was missing few polyps on the one rock. I thought it was just loss due to move etc. Today I noticed that one of my two Camel shrimp was going to town like it was The Last Supper. I wanted to post so that others know my experience with Camel Shrimp. Any others have the same experience with Camels? I have my Cleaner Shrimp yet, but they are fine with Zoa's.
strange as when I go diving I see thousands of the camel/hingeback but where I dive, there's hardly any corals (temperate water in sydney).