Can a Wavebox replace 2*6100 in 150Gallon tank?

Der Goetz

New member
Dear Forumites,

I am about to setup a new 150 Gallon tank.

I just learned that I should generate my waterflow INSIDE the tank, not from my sump return (you never stop learning, do you...).

So, I am looking pretty much at a "fresh" start since I got my waterflow on my old 100 Gallon system from my Mag24 sump return. And I therefore have no powerheads, no old closed loop system to migrate.

I was recommended running a closed loop in the new tank, but I really don't like the plummbing. I would rather go with Tunze inside the tank

So, since I do NOT have the money for both Tunze systems, would you recommend:

a) 2*6100 on Multicontroller?


b) 1* Wavebox?

I am REALLY leaning towards the WaveBox. It would cost less PLUS give me that nice wave. My Aquascaping will be one where most of the reef will be in one corner of my 60*24*24 tank with an open space to the right. And that's where I would like to place the WaveBox. Maybe one old Rio behind the Rockwork on the left.

BUT: Will The WaveBox generate enough current (the videos I downloaded from the WaveBox vid thread would indeed imply that it does)?
And what about the sand/crushed Coral I have? The outlet of the WaveBox seems to be placed on the bottom. Am I looking at a neverending SandStorm?

Thank you for you advice,

and best regards,


PS: I cannot find any information on Tunze's homepage about the WaveBox, neither on the US nor on the German site (I am German, btw). Any idea why? It's not discontinued, is it?
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The wavebox is an adjunct to flow and not a flow solution on it's own. At a minimum you would need the wavebox and 1 6060 Stream or a closed loop. A directional flow source such as this is essential. The website is stilll in the process of redevelopment but you can download the info in the 2005 catalog at the bottom left of the homepage. In a couple weeks the new site should be online. The wavebox may generate some sand dunes but the gentle rocking flow will likely not create any sandstorm.
Thank you for the info.


The 6060 can not be upgraded to a controller-compatible pump at a later stage, right?
So, it would be best to get a WaveBox and a 6100?


What about stress on the seams. I am getting an acryllic tank that is not "bend around the front corners" but welded all around, just like a glass tank. Is the wavebox going to overstress the seams, or am I "in the green"?


How do I go about installing the WaveBox in an acryllic tank?
I didnt see any parts coming with it on any website. Having that process explained would be VERY important to me before I consider ordering one.

Thank you Roger
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A 6100 might be a bit much so the 6000 would be the best and a 6000 can be upgraded to a 6100.

We have no experience with acrylic- it is almost non existant in Germany and the same holds true in Texas where I am so I cannot say definitively. In theory the seems are completely different. A well made acrylic seem should fuse the material on a molcular level making it one piece. Silicon adhering to glass is a different bond- imagine it as the difference between JB weld and a real weld. The acrylic should stand up better.

You would need two magnet holders, or you would have to drill the bracing to use the rails that come with the wavebox. You need to anticipate a wave of 1.5" and be sure this will work with your overflows. A center overflow is ideal because the "fulcrum" of the wave is in the center so this level does not vary.
Dear Roger.

I will have a center overflow box. How deep should the teeth go? An inch below the top of the tank? More? As that will determine the overall water level. What I mean is: is adding a WaveBox and therefore the wave-peaks making it necessary to lower the overall water level?

Thank you!
Dear Roger, disregard my "Overflow box" question. Research and talking to people who own/have seen the wavebox in action taught me that waterlevel is not going to be an issue.

But please, answer me this question:

Where should I position the 6100?? (Everyone is out of 6000's, my first choice). Next to the Wavebox, aiming "alongside" the wave? Or on the other side? You mentioned on the forum that pointing a 6100 against the WaveBox will shorten the Wave Effect, NOT something I would like to see happen. Any advice? I would like to dial the Box and the streamer in to where the wave effect is maximized.

And since the price of the magnetic clamp and the deco rock are almost the same: Which one should I go with? The Clamp will lead me to shoot the 6100 downwards, the deco rock obvioulsy upwards. And, is the rock safe for snails etc???

Best regards,

It shortens the wave by only a little, to avoid this you just run the wavebox on the 7095 (using its controller jumpered in external mode), then you run the wavebox with the Stream on its side only and have it off when the opposite Stream runs.

I warned against the 6100 so be prepared for extreme flow and some difficulties.

Any time the pumps are off snails can get in, no way around that really. The choice is mainly aesthetic. Some people don't like the rock because it is large, it is 11" by 6" by 6" or so.