Can anyone give me a ballpark price for a set-up like this?


New member
I am asking this for a friend. She is interested in setting up a roughly 300 gallon tank, maybe bigger. She is mainly wanting a P. Volitans and a clown trigger, and whatever else can go in there. Plus she likes corals, mostly on the NPS category. I suggested she set up a FOWLR and a reef also. Lighting will be mostly LEDs, but would probably need a chiller because they would be in a sun room with a lot of windows. This set up would also need ATOs, auto feeders, basically be as little maintenance as possible. I am more than willing to help out some, but maybe have someone come in once a month or so to service it. Any ideas on initial set up costs?
nps corals are not low maitnece, even with rigorus and expert care they have a very high mortality rate, not the corals for your "friend"
Any stores near by that could do the tank? Just a quick look a Marineland Deep Dimensions tank goes for $4k on DFS tank+stand, TruVu sells a 300g for $2100, no stand.

As for making it all work, thousands more... depending upon if she can get used equipment (sumps,skimmers etc), or if she can build a stand, or do this or that.. but as mentioned NPS corals are not ones to mess around with for "low maintenance". If she likes corals stick with softies, they're about as low maintenance as you can get, should do fine under T5s. But if you want LEDs you can do that too (a few Kessils 350s depending upon the foot print should work)

I think you could probably help your friend out with specifics of equipment no?
I'm going with $4K absolute minimum with cheap LED's.

Here are some cheap ball park numbers for new equipment:

300g tank $2000
stand DIY $200
Skimmer $500
Return pump $200
Sump $100
Plumbing $100
LED lights $500 (very low balling here)
Powerheads $300
Misc. $100
Chiller $400
ATO $150

That's absolute low balling the tank/stand/equipment and came up with $4.5K.

Most likely scenario is $6K+ and that doesnt include livestock.

If shes willing to shop around craigslist or the local forum, She might be able to find someone whos getting out selling a 300g system for around $2K.
to do it well and account for mistakes and unknowns i would count on 9 or 10 thousand i promise it will not go "as planned" and you will have many un accounted expenses pop up dry set up will be around 6 or 7 grand if you go bargain on everything but in the end you will find that some things just wont be succesfull at bargain prices better to buy the upgrade now rather than try to sell what you replace later, key items SKIMMER, PUMP(S), CHILLER, LIGHTS very bad idea to "diy" stand unless your a cabinet maker by trade can be a disaster fast inovative plastics can get you into a 350 gal tank and stank for around 3300 delivered +- 400 depending where you are they build an awsome acrylic tank and stands are rock solid
Clearly your friend has not done any research or thought this through. Lionfish require live feeder fish and/or hand feeding. NPS require an almost constant feeding regimen of very fine foods. It sounds as though she wants a pretty picture but not a real tank with all its real maintenance issues. Perhaps a picture on that wall instead?
