Can anyone recommend a good camera for under $300?

Maybe on a budget...having the extra feature of going inside the tank might make something like this attactractive.

They are on sale right now at BestBuy for $279ish
While it may be fine for underwater, it doesn't shoot in raw. It would shoot fine out in the ocean, but when shooting our tanks, the lighting is quite different. Because it doesn't shoot in raw, the only white balance adjustment is what the camera will let you have.
Hmmmm, I don't really have advanced shooting skills or really any at all though. How is the camera on the new Iphone 4S? I could use a new phone so just thinking. Thanks for the info!
If you look around at most of the pics of tanks here, it will give you the info you want. Take the pic in your avatar. You see the blue cast that covers most of the picture?? That's controllable by adjusting the white balance. Most point & shoots have a few you can choose from. Might be the same on your phone, I don't know. When you shoot in RAW, the white balance can be adjusted in post. If you're shooting in a jpeg format, you can't. All depends on how accurate you want things.