Can anyone tell me what this is?


Premium Member
Hey Guys,

I have seen this guy in my rock work for quite some time now. He has gotten quite large but I do not know if he is harmful or not. I do not see any harm coming to my corals or fish but I just want to be sure. I managed to catch him today while doing a water change. He came out in the open for the first time.

Well if you could ID him and tell me a bit about him. I don't want to discard him if he is helpful.

Here is the pic:

He is rough to touch and is kinda hard textured. I used gloves so I am not sure what he really feels like though.


Thanks for the replies.

I tought it was some kind of chiton but it isn't. Body structure and texture are completely different. It isn't a clug I don't think because the body is too hard. I may be wrong in my assumptions though.

If anyone has a definite ID it would be great. I placed him in the Fuge as of last night. Not much harm he can do there I suppose.
i bought a rock a few years back that had one of those on it from exotic aquatic and rob told me it was a harmless sea slug so i left it and it did no damage but died when my nano tank crashed.... btw the one i had was kinda hard aswell ;)
Very interesting looking critter. My philosophy is unless I see it doing something I don't want it to do, it stays. If you don't want it, drop it by today.