MiddletonMark and barryhc: I think you made very profound statements with those last posts. It IS about which system you keep best, or rather which system you will bother to maintain. And weather or not you pay attention to what you are putting in and pulling out of the system.
I'm not sure what you mean by "promoting mutual exclucivity" though.
My whole point, which both of you made and thank you for doing so, is not to run anyone who wants to keep BB or DSB into the ground for doing so. But to point out that the majority of the time I have seen BB promoted because it is "eaiser" to remove waste. Well, yes and no depending on what you are trying to remove and how are you trying to remove it. It will help to remove detritus but not dissolved organics (you still need the skimmer for that).
Likewise, will a DSB last forever? No, of course not. The question is do you like the look of sand enough to fool with replacing it in 2 - 10 years depending on how well you manage import and export of nutrients for the system as a whole.
I guess what gets my dander up :rollface: is broad comments about things like bacterial biomass and BB is better than DSB or vise versa beacuse of x, y, or z reason when most of the time, IMHO, lack of sucess with a reef tank is do to:
1. Poor planning
2. Buying cheap equipment that doesn't work
3. Not doing your homework before setting up the tank either regarding system design or health requirements of the organisms in the system.
4. Being lazy and not doing your routine maintence
5. Not paying attention to what you are putting in the system
Here is my main motivation. I tried to keep sps in the past. I failed .... horribly. Why? I didn't know. So I came to RC and asked. I was decimated for keeping a DSB, and this was labeled as the reason for my failure. I took the DSB out. I still couldn't keep sps. Why? I didn't know, so I asked again. This time I was told it was due to my subpar skimmer a (CPR SR4). By this time, I was moving so I tore the reef down, moved, and spent 3 months trying to figure out my mistake. Which I concluded was poor system design in both plumbing, skimmimg, and circulation as well as my being lazy in routine maintence. I replumbed the tank, changed the postion and plumbing of the same skimmer, added a HOB refugium to reduced the amount of detritus that could settle, put the DSB back in, and went with it. Four months after setup, sps are growing (still working on coloration) PO4 is zero, nitrate is zero, water is crystal clear. Thus it wasn't my DSB, it was me and my lack of having a clue about what I was trying to do.