Can I extend the temp snesor on this controller?


Premium Member
My Finnex heater came with a separate controller.
I damaged it and it is kaput.
So I bought another one.
With the way I am redoing everything I would like a little more lead on the temp probe.

Here is a pic of the broken one.
What I want to do is splice the old ones cable onto the new one.

Think it will work or will the extra 2 feet of distance cause a problem?


As long as you use the same type and gauge of wire on each wire. Most thermocouple wires are not the same diameter (gauge) or the same metal either.
Yeah you shoule be able to just find some more water proof 2conductor cable and splice right into the wire just make sure that the new wire you get is exactly the same as the stuff that is already being used.
I am going to use the old controllers wire so it will be exactly the same.
Is plain old finger splicing good enough?
I seen many resistors in that board, i will check with the maker to see if adding more wire may increase resistance and it may give you a false reading.
I have no idea how to do that. :)
Plus I already spliced it...just waiting for the silicone to dry.
So far so good.
It got pretty cold in the garage last night and my temp staid consistent.
So far, it seems to have worked. :)
Get yourself a good thermometer (preferrably a NIST certified one) to verify the temperature displayed by the controller.

Depending on the type of temperature sensor used, the additional resistance added by the splice and 2 feet of wire can throw off the calibration.

Good thinking.
This is just a temporary measure until I find a good temp cotroller.
(Then it will become a backup.)
I am looking at the medusa and ranco.
Any thoughts?
You probably don't need any more info, but red and white leads are type J thermocouples. They require special wires made of iron and constantan, If you used the same type of wire you will be fine.
I'll always opt to take industrial equipment over hobby equipment.

Thus, I use Ranco. I'll trust a temp controller that's made for industrial process control before I'll trust anything made for an aquarium.
