Can i keep these corals?

True Percula

New member
I am wondering can i keep these corals kisted below in a 29gal with 130watts pc
Leather - Toadstool
Leather - Devil's Hand
Candy Cane Coral
Bubble Coral - Pearl
Brain - Orange Lobo
Rose Bubble Tip Anemone
Thats what I thought too, but on the other subject I would agree with bawla, everything but the RBTA, it requires a much more intensity of light aswell as a heathly, established tank for survival.
yea change of plans moving in next year of 2008..Why not the bta i seen bta in pc lighting on this site and big als..I am not trying to argue but i am just wondering why not?
Trying to keep a mobile anemone and immobile corals in the same tank can be problematic. Also keeping leathers and lps together: leathers conduct chemical warfare; lps have sweeper tentacles that come out in the dark: my pearl bubble produced a four-incher last night and tried to get at either the plate or the montipora.
Be sure and keep leathers and mushrooms last in the water-flow, so that their chemicals are carried away immediately, not washed over the lps or anemones. It can be done, but you need physical barriers, like a rock well, to encourage the anemone to stay put, and you need to be very careful of the night-time reach of the lps: they're sneaky. If you want the look of an anemone, you might try a frogspawn (limited reach, chemically mild.)
unless the bta was up towards the very top, i really doubt it would be sucesful long term.

you also need to have a stable perfect paramters. Your not at this point yet.
I agree with everyone, the RBTA would be the only thing I wouldn't suggest. Good to see you're not moving and can keep the hobby. :) Good luck!
dont ask questions if you don't like the answers, we are simply giving you our opinions, FOR LONG TERM LIFE OF THE RBTA, we suggest MH or VHO lighting for it and a very established reef aquarium. If your wanting to hear "oh it will live fine in a new tank with PC lighting, go to beverly's or big als and I am sure they will tell you this just to make a sale, but if you want the truth, listen to our answers.
I think he was wondering about how long to run them daily. I run mine too long, so I'm not even going to answer that question haha
a mixed schedule is the best way to keep the corals and an anemone healthy. I would not recommend you getting a rbta just yet. your stil la newb in the hobby (as am i to a degree), and your previous posts (and im not counting the numerous questions you have asked my on aim), tell me , and others, that you are not ready for any hard to keep species. I would not do an anemone in that small of a tank anyways. too much can go wrong. at least 55 gallons or more for any anemone. no exceptions. Lights will be fine for the corals you mentioned. I would prefer to see you pick either lps or softies and stick with that type of coral. leathers are always fighting chemical warfare with each other and those chemicals affect other corals. with lps, they have long tentacles (i had my hammer produce a 10 incher a while back and this was durring the day) that sting other corals. good luck to you with your tank and post some pics
We're not trying to discourage you about keeping the anemone, but let me just share my recent experience with one.

I took in a sick BTA from a fellow reefer which seemed on its way to recovery and while I was out overnight it died, fouled up my tank and killed every single one of my fish. I was so heartbroken that I was about to quit the hobby, but instead decided that I'd downsize my tank. I will not house any anemones again and I had a stable, mature tank with plenty of lighting. It's not worth the heartbreak. Wait until you and your tank are ready for the RBTA, please.