Can my inhabitants live in a 32 gallon brute for 2 or 3 days while I upgrade my tank?


New member
So I'm upgrading from a 40 to 125g. I want to use the current 40 as the sump for the new system. If I got an extra brute can and set up a light over it with a power head, air stone and heater inside, is there any reason my livestock couldn't survive in there while I install baffles in the new sump and get it going?

Have about 7 fish, nothing bigger than a Pygmy angel. 1 hammer, 1 Duncan, 1 cats paw, 1 small Monti, ~4x6" gsp and misc cuc
Not a problem...
It can take more than 2-3 days though for silicone to cure fully...
But you can certainly get the 125 uo and running and transfer them in then add the sump a week later or whatever
Not a problem...
It can take more than 2-3 days though for silicone to cure fully...
But you can certainly get the 125 uo and running and transfer them in then add the sump a week later or whatever

Yeah that's true, I've read it can take up to 7 days for the cure. I was thinking about getting the 125 going and adding the sump later but plumbing might be an issue with it not able to move away from the wall to install pipes. But maybe do all the plumbing at least down into the stand and then put a union to finish the rest after sump is in?
Absolutely they can. I had a lot more fish than you live in a 150 gallon tote for a year last year, and during transfer I just had the fish in a 40 gallon brute trash can, just make sure you use the existing live rock, put an air pump, and then a powerhead.

My fish and some LPS lived in this for a year.

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Absolutely they can. I had a lot more fish than you live in a 150 gallon tote for a year last year, and during transfer I just had the fish in a 40 gallon brute trash can, just make sure you use the existing live rock, put an air pump, and then a powerhead.

My fish and some LPS lived in this for a year.
View attachment 397669

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Dang man that's legit! Nice setup. Maybe I'll look into a more open setup like that tub but smaller. Thanks for the insight!
Honestly, for just a month, I think a brute trash can would more than suffice. Fish were fine in there for the month, didn't even have a light over the brute trash can.

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