can one use LEAD pipe in chillers?


New member
a manufacturer told me that LEAD does not reacts with salt water and many other chemicals. i have designed a custom chiller using a compressor and thermostat that works just like any other chiller available in the market. the only problem i am facing is the nonavailability of TITANIUM PIPE. can i use LEAD OR TUNGSTEN PIPE in the chiller or can i use aluminium or rubber coated aluminium or teflon coated aluminum or copper?
I think i would only consiter titanium or high quality stainless. Lead will leach and accumulate in the water. Alum will corrode and leach. The coated stuff might work if you trust the coating (???). And copper - maybe for freshwater supply but never in saltwater. I've seen a penny waste a tank.
thanx turbo diesel. can u guggest me that which coating will be suitable - rubberiised or teflon?
i am sorry michaeldaly. there is no link on how to build a chiller.
but i'll post some pics as soon as i get done with it. and if get success i'll tell how we made it. i will be getting it ready with the help of a reef central member. his id is gilu2k.