Thank you zapata and Alaskan Reefer for your posts.-----When it comes to reef husbandry and anyting fish related i have a full grasp, but when it comes to plumbing and DIY i am clueless----all my other tanks were drilled with 2 overflows so that i never worried about this topic, just did it and everything after was fine but this presents me with a grey area i have no experience------ The drain hole is located at the back of the tank(not on bottom) on the left side. Doing a half-assed measurement it seems the drain hole is about 1.5", definitely looks/seems and feels with the toothrush marked off next to a ruler to be somewhat larger than an 1", but more like 1.25-1.5" and most likely 1.5"(will measure after i turn the pumps off so i can measure it precisely, but this is the range. Assuming that 1" can handle 1000 gph easily Zapata, wouldnt you think moving 1400-1700 gph with a 1.25-1.5" drain hole(bulkhead is synonomous i guess) could be feasible. 30X 55g would be a turnover of 1650 gph, which falls in this 1400-1700gph range. I think it is feasible, and likely enough flow for Acro/clam tank.
-------To the issue of the 15 g sump AR-------it is more like a 13 g sump where i would house the skimmer, heater, pump carbon.....ect..... but, next to it is a 10 gallon fuge. The water would be skimmed, go out a pump in that sump from the overflow and into the 10g fuge. Once here it will be pumped back to the main tank with a larger pump because of the larger distance between the maintank and fuge as opposed to sump to the fuge.-------Do you think this would still be a bubble sink?
------Remember assuming that i may feasible run 24-30x turnover with the overflow i have would this connected (by a mag ph) sump and fuge be able to handle the large amounts of flow and water circulation even if the overflow can?