Can someone help suggest a good P and S that goes underwater??


Premium Member
I've recently been using my friends Cannon which has the capability to go completely underwater and it takes some pretty nice macro pics (even with not being held perfectly still). I'm not sure what model his camera is but I know it's at least a few years old.

I've been looking at the Cannon DS 1400 which also has underwater capability, lot's of nice features, a high MP value, and the price is quite reasonable (IMO). Unfortunately, unlike my friends cannon, this one seems to require an underwater case which costs as much as the camera does

Cannon Powershot SD1400 IS

Does anyone have any comments good or bad on this P and S??

I'm primarily looking for a camera to get some nice close up pics of my corals which will show some nice detail. The capability to go underwater makes that very easy. I'm not looking to take a pic of single polyp of a branching acro but rather close up pics of frags and the smallest I'd be looking to shoot would be maybe a few zoanthid polyps.

Any suggestions for other cameras that would better fit my needs? The underwater capability is pretty much a must for me due to it's convenience in picture taking in our hobby. I love that capability!

There are plenty of rugged compact cameras that dont need underwater housings now adays. Depending on how deep you want to go (not scuba diving) there are plenty of current and old cameras you can look into

I havent used the SD1400IS but canon does make the D10 which is a sturdy underwater camera.

Housings for canon cameras are readily available in stores and online

I have the Canon s90 and it performs decently although I wish the macro mode allowed you to focus a little closer. a few inches of minimum focus distance. It does perform well under low light conditions.

The Canon s95 just came out and is pretty much the S90 with HD video

Olympus makes the stylus underwater series which are pretty popular and durable. Im not familiar with the picture quality but the cover for the lens can get stuck/ jammed by sand.

Casio also came out recently with a rugged compact

Pentax has the W series of which the W90 is the most recent. I think it can go to a depth of 20 ft without a housing and can focus in macro mode as close as 1cm to the lens. It's more of an outdoor camera. Sometimes I wish I had gone with the w90 instead of the canon s90for that reason.... but too late!

hope that helps!
That was very helpful and I very much appreciate the time you've taken to provide such a detailed response!!

I'll look into those models you've suggested.

I was initially under the impression that the Cannon SD 1400 didn't require a case to go underwater. In the middle of starting this thread I came across some additional info on it and I then discovered it needed the case to go underwater which cost as much as the camera.:sad2:

99% of my pics will be inside my fish tanks and the other 1% may be when my wife and I go snorkeling so I'm not too worried about depth capability (I'm not up for scuba diving any time too soon nor would I have the time in this point in my life).


I recently came back from Maui I purchased the casio G P and S I got it through amazon for about 180 plus shipping. For the price its not bad the look is a whole lot sleeker compared to other water proof cameras in its price range how ever if you decide to get one take care in regards to its battery and memory bay as alot of reviews stated that it comes loose uderwater. I went ahead and used electric tape to tape it shut during underwater excursions while i was in maui. works well.