Can this be suitable to have turtle grass.


My refugium is 20gals - space for return and pump area, the available space is around 15gals.. I guess.
I have 5in or above DSB, lighted up by LOA 65W PC.
The height from the DSB to the water line is only around 8in.
Anyone know if I can use it to plant turtle grass?
The key is the DSB depth, and you've got that covered ;) For the shallow depth, the 65 PC light should do fine. How old is the sand bed? Turtle Grass does best in organic rich (old and mucky) sand beds.
Thank for all your help guys.
Can't wait to get my order of Turtle Grass from floridapets on Wed. However, I just test my tank for Iron, and it indicated that I have no Iron in my tank. Should I start to dose Iron now to get it up to .01 or .02 mg/L?
Iron also gets rapidly assimulated by other things. I'd wait till you plant them, then put in a nice dose. BTW, my understanding is that those iron test kits are pretty useless. The chemistry involved for accurate determination does not lend itself to small vials, IIRC Habib said that was the reason Salifert does not put out an iron test kit.
Agrrr.. I should ask it first tho... I just wasted $12 on the Iron Test kit..

Anyway, I will hold off the dosing.