Can you be a victim of your success?


New member
I have had some odd die offs lately. Nothing complete, just portions. Some is related to my aiptasia infestation where corals got stung and the dead spots spread. Luckily the last batch of peps actually are cleaning it up. The other spots are deep in the corals. No signs of AEFW no bite marks or anything. I dipped a few and they were clean.

Could this be a flow issues or maybe an infection of some sort? The dead spots have not gotten any bigger in a few weeks now.
Are they new pieces? It's odd how sometimes we can't find an explanation for problems. I recently got a new maricultured mini colony that I cut off the rock, dipped and cut into 4 pieces. 2 I glued to my rocks to reform a mini mini colony and the other 2 I put on plugs and placed them slightly lower than the other 2. The 2 on my rocks along with one on a plug have some burnt tips while the 4th looks great and is finally starting to show PE during daytime. The odd thing is both pieces on plugs are right next to each other so I have no idea what is going on with the other 3, why the burnt tips? Anyway back to your issue, perhaps something changed that you can't or won't be able to pinpoint. Maybe like a trace element fluctuation. Did you get a new bag of salt? Could just be a slightly different batch and something is off. Perhaps the peppermints are to blame I have seen them irritate corals without doing major damage but acros are finicky as we all know.
They were looking bad before the peps. Not a new piece. One of the oldest in my tank actually. No changes to my husbandry. I took some frag and they look good in my frag tank which shares a sump with my display.
If it is a large colony it's probably lighting/flow related. I've seen large colonies with dead spots deep inside due to this. The corals basically choke themselves out.