Can you increase the strength of the Maxspect Gyre XF350 with additional magnets?


New member
I am looking at the new XF350 but the place where I need to put it is 1" thick glass and the specs say it goes up to 3/4" thick. The XF380 if it comes out this summer will most likely be able to work on 1" glass like the XF280 but that size of pump is overkill for me.
If I purchased some Rare Earth Magnets and stacked them on the dry side magnet mount would that help increase the magnetic force? Has anyone ever done that before?
Great thanks! When you say properly placed I assume I can simply add another rectangular magnet to the dry side to increase the magnetic feild ensuring that the N is laid on top of the S polarity.
I have ‘bolstered’ external magnets by stacking. The pull power is not fully additive, so get the strongest you can. I buy mine from KJ Magnetics.