Can you keep clams under VHO Lighting?


Premium Member
I have a 75 gal with 440watts of VHO lighting. Are you able to keep clams under this type of lighting? I read that most people have their clams under MH. They would be a nice addition to the tank but want to be sure that I have enough light.
you can get a lower light clam for that just make sure that you have him high on the rocks... all though for a clam to thrive it is better to have MH ...IMO......
You will feel better if you get at least one 250 watt halide. Then you can buy the cool looking ones. I would hate to spend that kind of money on something if it is not going to make it, or just barely surive. My clam looks good even under 2 250 iwasaki's, oh I also have 3 vho bulbs and a no. These lights make things grow like weeds.