Can you paint PVC black???


New member
I am just wondering if you could paint PVC pipe black so it doesn't stand out quite as badly when it is in your tank??? Would the paint be a problem in the tank once dried? I was just kind of curious what would happen if you sanded the pvc a little to give the paint a surface to adhere to and then spray painted it black.
Use kralon fusion spray paint. They have one thats for plastics and many here use it in their tanks. No need to sand pvc.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6545594#post6545594 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Racenrich
you can purchase BLACK PVC from people and very reasonable pricing.

Why take chances with spray paint?

I read many posts out there in the use of Krylon with no issues over long periods of time. Seems perfectly reasonable once the paint cures. Is there some bad reports?
i guess im one of those leary ones about putting things in the tank....

As we should, we make our own choices :)