Can zoa pox fall off? or some type of pest?


New member
I got a new large colony of zoas from the wild recently. I was makeing some frags tonight when I noticed small white things on the zoas. They are not visable when open and the zoas open fully. There are many on the colony, some of the individual polyps have 6 or so on them. I dipped in coral RX although I believe it is past experiration and blasted with a turkey baster. Some of them fell off but I could not get all of them off. They are not a nudi. They are they same size as the zoa pox from the pics I've seen After they come of they do not leave any sign left on the zoa. I could not find anything at all except for zoa pox on this site:

The colony opens nicely and looks OK but I cant imagine it staying that way for long and do not want it to spread to my other zoas. If it is some other type of parasite do you think Bayer total insect killer would kill them? 2 days ago I just found AEFW on my acros and plan on dipping with the Bayer product as the coral RX and Seachem's reef dip did not kill them.