Canister filters ill-advised? Please rate my setup!

People at the LFS are just like the people here. Some know what they are talking about other don't: some advance reefkeeping myths, others don't. Just remember they are ultimately trying to sell you somethings so caveat emptor.

Also keep in mind that the only difference between a cannister and a reactor is that the former may have a pump attached. What matters is what you use it for.
So I've been constantly wrestling with my setup ever since I bought it and I don't know whether or not to continue to regret, upgrade or let things roll and relax. Would appreciate your advice...

I'm new to the hobby, and I bought a 54g aqueon corner tank and stand for the space in my TV/living room that we were trying to decorate and improve. I don't really have a sufficient space anywhere else in my house for another tank. As part of this setup, I was sold a FLUVAL 306 canister filter - I use chemi pure blue in this as well as the other media. I have 2 powerheads, a 150 watt heater, and I recently added an eshopps psk75 skimmer. I have 30 pounds of live rock and 25 pounds of reef rock sitting on a sand substrate.

I currently have 1 coral beauty, 2 juvenile ocellaris clowns, 1 firefish, 1 orange striped cardinal and 1 diamond goby. I also have various LPS and soft corals.

Now, I can't go into any store other than the one where I originally bought my setup without everyone telling me how bad my setup is and that I need to upgrade to a new system since my current filtration is totally inadequate and will ultimately cause my tank to fail. The tank is for the corner of our tv/living room, and my wife will not allow any set up that exceeds that space under the stand or is too loud. She already bristles at the eshopps which is decently quiet IMO.

Is it true that I am destined for tank failure with my type of setup? Is all lost? Should I continue to listen to these people who tell me my system sucks and is just a nitrate factory? Even if true, are there no workarounds? I've put in close to 3K already and would be ****ed if I was sold the wrong thing but still want to know anyway...your thought are much appreciated! thanks in advance!

While I would never recommend a canister filter to someone with a saltwater tank (for the concerns they mentioned), I would say as long as the tank looks good and your water tests right you should be fine and ignore the naysayers.