Cannon Close up


Yup That Stuff
hey guys i was wondering if any one had experiance or thoughts on the cannon 250D close-up lens? thanks
While not really a true macro lens that's one way to be able to "get closer" without spending a bunch of money.
I've used close-up filters in the past and I personally don't think very highly of them. They are only useful if you can get closer to the subject, which isn't always possible in a tank since corals aren't always right up onto the glass. They also degrade/distort the image since you are adding more glass in front of the lens. Check around on ebay, you should be able to find a suitable replacement for ~$20, I wouldn't spend the money for the Canon one. I would put the money towards a real macro lens :)
that is what i wanted to know. Thanks guys guess i gotta go get the 100mm again
The Canon 100mm macro is an all around great lens - not just for macro shots. An option to try instead of the close up lens is a extension tube. It will require a longer exposure due to light loss but will not degrade your image. If you are taking still shots on a tripod, that will not matter. The extension tube will allow you to focus more closely to your subject. I use these some even with a 100mm macro.