Cannot get new single controller to work


New member
I have a new 6095 pump and single controller. Plugged everything and the pump is shooting water but the single controller does not seem to work. The lights alternate on the two pumps on the controller ( pump 1 set 100% and pump 2 set 30% ) but no wave on the pump. Only a constant thrust of water. If I put pump one at 30%, less water is being pushed but still no alternating of thrusts seen in the tank. When I push the feed button, the pump stops completely and does not come back on.

I am very disappointed. Am I missing something?
It sounds like the pulse is turned fully clockwise to off, turn the pulse knob to the middle. Is this a 7091 Single Controller?
Yes, it is the 7091 controller. Without me doing anything more, I now hear the pump alternating between two velocities. The only thing not working now seem to be the Feed mode. It stops when I press the button but will still not start after more than twenty minutes. I had to disconnect the power and connect it back for the pump to start again.
There are 2 possibilities.

A) The foodtimer button is hanging up, it is being pinched by the housing and you could test this by opening it and carefully pushing the foodtimer button, if it then works, we know the button is just binding up and not popping back up.

B) Earlier this year some models made for zoos that have 30-45 minute foodtimers were accidentally shipped to the general public, this is fixable simply by cutting off one of the two capacitors associated with the foodtimer, they are near the foodtimer button. With only one cap, the foodtimer will be the normal length of 10 minutes approx.
Thank you so much Roger...............I will check on these two solutions tommorrow and see if I can fix this problem. Other than that, the pump and controller now work great! I have also installed à Tunze osmolator last week and I am very satisfied with it and it is working perfectly.You guys have wonderful products and response to customer has been fast and good!!