Cannot raise PH levels, aquarium with Calcium Reactor


New member
My tank is a 1000l display, 1300l system and it is 6 years old.
The type is a reef, SPS, LPS, some soft corals, and anemones.
Fish/Life load is around 50% of capacity.

My PH is 7,7 in the morning, to 8.0 before the light goes off.

I tested using 3 digital meters, which showed the same result, (+/-0,05), and a dip test (Salifert and Colombo) which usually shows +0,2 PH

The calcium reactor, dastaco type is set around 1,3l/h 24/7 (not calibrated so the amount in liters is not 100% accurate), and effluent is steady 35+ KH (Salifert and Auaforest test), and the outlet pipe is above water. KH in aquarium 8,5-9,0.

I'm adding Kalkwasser, 4ml/min 24/7, so 240ml/h, and it's a little bit above my vaporation level. Effluent tested a few times, PH 12+

Co2 levels in the room do not exceed 700 ppm, usually under 500 ppm. I installed co2 meter and recuperation next to the aquarium to eliminate CO2 in the room.
I have 2 recirculating pumps oversized to a life load skimmer, one pump is connected to air from outside, second, is set with a recirculating co2 scrubber. Absorber lasts 6-8 weeks.

Refugium lighted up in the night, round same LED W per Liter as the display tank.
PO4 - 0,00-0,03
NO3 - 0,1 - 0,2
ISP results kept in recommended ranges

Water exchange 10% once per 3 months.

Any ideas on how to get PH to the 7,9-8,2 range? Or what could cause low PH in the current setup?