Canon 30D


New member
Well, I got my canon 30D today. It focuses up so nice with the 100mm f/2.8 lens it's unbelievable! Guess what, the memory card I ordered is for a sony!

Going to get a memory card right now:

I will post pics soon lol.

It will take me years to learn how to set aperture on this thing...
Turn the dial to Av and then spin the dial with your index finger to set the aperture. There, I just saved you a year :D
Lol, thanks! I can't figure out how to remove flash, I think I found the flash button and the button it shows in the book, but nothing happens when I push it.
Well if you are shooting in auto or one of the creative zones, you can turn off flash. To turn off flash, you have to use one of the P mode, one of the priority modes, or full manual.
Ah...c'mon it won't be long before edwing will come along and tell you to quit using auto or better yet tell you to read the manual:lmao:

Congrats on the camera!!!:D
Ive found with mine , in picture style ,turn up the sharpening a bit 6 or 7 seemed to have worked for me, there are stories out there stating that out of the box the 30D is a little soft on focus(I heard this when the camera was first released) so thats just my input for what its worth.
Lol, I read it, but it looks foreign language lol.

I made a different thread. I did get a decent start on pics. Go look for the other one by me on the 30D, I have a few pics there that turned out decent, but I need to take so many to get a decent one, and I can't get pics of tangs yet. I was told to turn the flash rate up to 160, so I did. Then I was told I couldn't turn the flash off on the 30D, I did somehow and can't get it back on, and even under 3 MH lights the pics come out dark, some weird setting I guess.
The pics look nice. Keep playing with the settings till you get it right or until someone tells you what setting you should be in. LOL

I went the Monterey Bay Aquarium last Friday and just played with the settings until I got the picture I wanted.