canon 8.0mp or 10.0mp xt/xti DSLR


New member
I was looking into taking some high quality shots, and wanted to get a new camera. Does anyone know if there is a noticeable difference between an 8.0mp and a 10.0mp Canon digital SLR?

The current models are the XT (8mp) and the XTi (10mp). I was thinking of buying from B&H photovideo. I want to know, since I'm spending the money on the 8mp, if it's worth it to spend the extra $100 or so to get the 10mp.
Spend the extra money on glass is just my opinion they will both take great shots you only need the 10mp if you are planning on blowing your pics wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy up but thats just my opinion
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10201744#post10201744 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tjay
spend the extra money on lenses
totally agree

While I whole heartadly agree with that statement, it the difference really is only $100 I'd get the XTi. The anti-dust feature on the XTi makes up for the difference.

Bottom line, either will take really good pictures (when used properly). ;)
well, here's the deal. I'm starting a nano for an article that I'm writing for a magazine. They want photos to go with it, and I'm just worried that they might not turn out magazine quality with the 8mp
I believe in this situation it will come down to the quality of the lens on the camera, and the photographer's capabilities.

The XT is a very capable camera, and is what I currently use for all of my photography. For full quality photos, you have the capability of shooting in RAW, usually around 8mb per picture, but I personally use the setting just below RAW, which gives me a pictures size of 3456 x 2304. Plenty large enough for printing a nice 8x10 or larger.

If money is an issue, I'd go with extra glass or more memory. If it isn't, then by all means, go for the XTi.
I agree with Beer...and actually did choose the XTi over the XT. I understand the whole...spend the money on the lenses deal...but your only going to buy one body for a long time...might as well go with the newer model with the upgraded anti-dust feature! For $100 the decision seems real easy!

Also another side note. If you can spring and have the cash...skip the kit a little research into the type of shots your looking for, and buy a nicer lens right off the bat!
I'm a college kid, so money is sort of an issue. I had seen some awesome deals on used ones, so I decided to buy one used, so long as it was rated in good condition (9+). Unfortunately, there were only used XTs, and for reasons I can understand, I haven't even seen a used XTi.

For right now, I spent extra money on a 2gb sandisk ultraII and a hard case. I wasn't going to be cheap with the memory card. I was at an awesome wedding yesterday, took about a hundred shots with my elph, and my cheapy discount memory card decides to spontaneously erase itself!!

Anyway, I found a good used XT on B&H. My dad and uncle used to be into photography, so I asked for their collection of lenses. I know they're old and there's a 90% chance they won't be compatible, but I figured I'd give them a try before I get a second lens.

Too bad I'm extremely impatient and didn't wait until everyone put in their two cents. Gotta get going for work, but in the meantine, I'm going to be taking shots of this 9g nano-reef. Anyone got any good suggestions on what type of lens would be best for macro type shots?

I'm working three jobs, so I can spend SOME money, but I still have to buy some tank stuff, like LR and sand...and inverts.
