Canon EOS 20D


New member
I can get a really good deal on a camera used for about $450 with a 55mm lense. What do you guys think of this camera?
Would you recomend something else in the same price range?
I feel that this is one of the best deals I can find for this range. I am new to DSLR cameras and I know there is a steep learning curve.
Cameras I was looking at before were.
Nikon D3000
Nikon D3100

If I went the canon route....
What 100 mm macro lense would you suggest?
Its still a very capable body, it won't have all the bells and whistles that some of the newer bodies have like video,live-view, anti-dust mechanism, but its got the things that matter and does what DSLRs were designed for well. I'm still using its slightly newer brother, the 30D which is pretty much identical to the 20D in the core components.

As far as the lens, I'm guessing you're asking whether to go with the L or non-L version? What will you be using it for primarily? Is most of its work going to be macro for tank/flower/bug shots or are you wanting to get it more as a general 100mm prime that you can use part of the time for macro shots of the tank? If you're going to be using it primarily for the tank I'd save the few hundred bucks difference and get the non-L version. IS has almost no/none use at macro scales. If you're planning on using it more as a general prime you might find some use out of the L version's IS.
^^ just to clarify, only Canon has L lenses, Nikon has competing products but they don't use the L designation. Similarly, Nikon doesn't use the term IS (Image Stabilization) like Canon does, the Nikon equivalent is called VR (Vibration Reduction).