Canon XTi vs. Nikon D40x vs. Nikon D80

I have held both Nikon and canon. In my limited experience I like the color rendition out of the canons a little better. Nikon to me seems to favor reds and the canon did better with blues. I agree with what others are saying and go to a store and pick them up and hold them and go through the menus and find what feels right to you.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11491694#post11491694 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chris0942
pick up a nikon 40d today no special lens, but got the mag. glass and I like it. I'm going to get a better zoom lens.

canon has the 40D

nikon has the d40

.....BIIIIIIIIIIIG difference...... ;)
I just bought the Canon XTI (body only) and bought seperatly a Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM Standard Zoom Lens for Canon SLR Cameras total $950 the camera comes on the 2nd and I can wait. I went to a couple of sites that reveiw products and reveiwed the cannon xti and a nikon D40 or D80 (can't remember wich) and decided to go with canon because as this is my first SLR camera I couldn't justify the extra money for the Nikon (wich I have no real idea on how to use either of them). I held the canon in a store before I bought it and it felt comfratible enugh to me, and I bought the body only because I was going to buy differnt lenses any way so I figured I would ave the extra $150-$200 that they charge for the 18-55mm lense and put it twords the one I wanted. unfortunatly now I need to save up another $400 for a macro lense. and realy I have no experiance to give you advice on the cameras just thought I would share my buying experiance and decison.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11417968#post11417968 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by beerguy
That's exactly the advice that I normally give even though Canon is clearly makes a better camera

Oh and beerguy this post ha ha I like it and almost missed the end of it :lol: and I agree
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Camera Choice

Camera Choice

I don't subscribe to the endless discussion over who makes the best cameras. Nikon and Canon both make fantastic cameras, it all comes down to personal choice, although if you have a friend with one or the other it can be a good idea to go for the same brand. That way you can share the costs of things like Macro Lenses which are nice to have, but are not used everyday for general photography.

I am a Nikon user, and have been for almost 40 years. Its not so much brand loyality, its just once you chose a brand you are tied into it by all the accessories which you have. Nobody with a collection of Nikkor Glass is going to jump ship to Canon and have to purchase all the same lenses again in a different mount.

I had a D70 and thought it was a great camera, although I now use a D200 which is absolutly fantastic. Although as some mentioned previously, it weights the same as a small car. If you have'nt decided yet I would recommend the D80, but good luck with whatever you decide.

Thanks to everyone who has been contributing to this thread. I seriously think that I have changed my mind about 5 times after I was SURE that I made my final decision on which camera/lens kit to buy. I go from entry-level cameras, to mid-level ones, and back..... from Canon to Nikon and back....and don't even get me started on whether to get the bundled lens or go with a body-only and buy the lens separately! :eek2: :eek1: :eek2:

I think I just need to throw a dart at a bunch of pics of the cameras/lenses, and then buy whichever I hit because otherwise I'm just going to keep going back and forth...;)
Weeles is on the money regarding the D80.
Great camera, though it will probably be replaced in 2008. Already rumors flying about the D60 replacing the D40, though no real evidence yet. Once you buy a camera, don't look back, because something newer is always coming.

Here are some Nikon web sites that might interest you.
I really like the 18-55mm kit lens on the Nikon D40, its a great value. I am getting a macro in a couple of days but the kit lens was able to get this shot. Not to add confusion the D300 is out as well.....


Here is a larger version
D40 standard lens

D40 standard lens

First shot I took using the D40 with the standard lens 18-55 in auto setting.
