Can't get Apex alarms to work

I could use some help with alarms on my 2016 Apex. Attempting to set one that'll alert me if the watts on a pump fall outside my set range in case of a dead or blocked pump.

I've found two ways of doing it, first was through inputs, went to watts for the pump, set my values, updated then tested by unplugging the pump. No alarm was sent to my phone or email.

Then found you could set power alarms through the tasks, went through and set my values there, updated and tested, still no alarm.

Am I missing a step somewhere? Seems like the Apex doesn't want to send an alarm to me.
The email alarm soft switch. It that set to auto

Try setting it to on and you will get a generic status email. Then set back to auto. If you get that email then we need to look in one direction. If you dont receive an email we need to look in another.

You can unplug the pump and if the settings are correct the email alarm outlet should turn on if set to auto

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Well I'm embarrassed. Seems the alarm switch ended up in the disabled list and not even on my dashboard. I'm guessing when I first was setting up the Apex and didn't have a pH probe plugged in it kept setting off an alarm so I disabled it. Oops.

Alarm had been set to off. I changed it to On and got the notification about an alarm, though a temp alarm rather than my pump alarm. So I guess that one works. Can't test the pump one at the moment as I'm not near the tank.

I changed it to Auto and it turned off the alarm, though I think my tank is right on the edge of my low temp as now it is setting off the alarm then turning it back on.

So I think that simple solution was my problem, I'll confirm tonight when I get back to the tank, but thank you very much! I posted in the Apex group and they had no clue, I was getting very frustrated with this thing.
In life I've come to learn it's always the simplest of things and most often the same ones are overlooked. Glad I could help

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Just wanted to let you know the switch seemed to be the answer. Got that alarm to work along with several others, thank you again!