Can't shake it....


New member
I've read here for years, so thank you all to the community for the information provided. Never really had a question before that wasn't answered, and never saw anything go unanswered, so I just watched idly.

However tonight I am faced w/ a bit of a conundrum and need the input of random (but wise) internet strangers.

I've had two tanks in the past, one 40 gallon reef, and one 180 gallon reef. Fun times n such over the course of 10-15 years or so.

I got out of the hobby when I moved. Had a buddy who wanted in so I literally handed over everything in one epic weekend Rubbermaid extravaganisa..

So at my new house, I was always thinking of a tank.

So one day, did this sweet little setup.
(36 gallon frameless, AquaMaxx Cone 2, Aqualife T5 4lamp, etc.)

Got everything just right, took a trip to the store, picked up a little Zoo rock, dropped it in, and it was happy as can be. Open and nice on the first day.

Had a lot of medical problems recently, not working, etc. It was just a moment of pure success I guess. I don't think my wife had seen me that happy in a while.

Now though, I can't shake the dangers of the tank. I don't know why. I'm just horribly afraid it's going to make me sick. That is I'm gonna get a cut, a squirt, a mist, etc.

We know the long song and dance on the topic. I'm not looking to beat a dead horse. We all know there are dangers, but w/ basic care rarely does anything go wrong.

However"¦ I'm moments away from returning the rock, and selling it all on Ebay. I would gander it to be the "œcraziest thing I might ever do." in the literal sense. I just lost my edge, for reef keeping, which is almost comical if it wasn't so sad and I didn't love it so much.

So to anyone kind enough to not flame this, I could use some advice right now.
So do you have a compromised immune system and are concerned about your health, afraid of failure or just lost the desire or are you suffering from some type of anxiety related to the care and operation of the tank? Sorry, I'm trying to follow and understand what your concern is.
What are you afraid of happening? I mean if you just take the standard precautions I'm sure you will be fine. It's recommended to wear shoulder length gloves when working on the tank as well as eye protection if you're going to messing with any coral. You can even wear a facial mask like doctors and dentist wear. The last thing I would do is have a printout of zoa/paly toxin since it's rather uncommon and keep it on the fridge or by the front door in case you ever need it should an occurrence arise you need to be rushed to the ER. It's seldom that anyone has major issues stemming from a reef tank that I have heard of.
I don't know what you are looking for but I only know one person who has ever had a health issue and that was from getting suck with a long spine urchin. I think you will be fine and just don't put corals and such in your mouth or stick yourself in the eye you'll be great.
There are dangers in everything we do. Its a part of life. But what makes it worth while are the things we love, the things that make us happy. These things usually come with risk but we take that risk to enjoy our lives.
If the tank and reef keeping is something you do have a passion for then its a great thing, something you should keep. It can be something you can stare at all day and escape into the world of the reef.

There are precautions you can take to minimize risk to yourself, gloves and eye protection for handling hazardous specimens and the likes. When they are all in you really don't need to handle them, just enjoy them.

So do you have a compromised immune system and are concerned about your health, afraid of failure or just lost the desire or are you suffering from some type of anxiety related to the care and operation of the tank? Sorry, I'm trying to follow and understand what your concern is.

This is with out doubt an irrational fear. So anxiety. I'm literally experiencing a phobia about my tank. Ichthyophobia if you will.
I am sorry about your health problems but let me tell you what I have gone through in the past four years. I set up my 46bow in a pass through opening in between the kitchen and my dining room right next to my kitchen sink so it would be easy to water changes. My wife started to get blood infections every month and would go to the hosp. with unstoppable vomiting. No one could tell us how she was getting these different type of dangerous bacterias in her blood but she was sure she got them from her dogs anal gland spraying in her eye. Well now 4 years later I moved the tank and refugium that was above the display and do not let my wife put her hands in the tank after a doctor suggested to move it away from the kitchen. I even had my skimmer draining into my kitchen sink. If your immune system is low do not touch your tank water. I have gone through hell with my wifes blood infections and vomiting and it is finally getting better now that I haved moved the tanks into our back room. You can always start a new tank when you are well . There are some dangerous bacteria in the saltwater including TB. Please be careful and its not worth it if your immune system is already compromised...
bundybear1981 & ReeferBill you pretty much represent the split in my mind, and thank you for your input.
I run high-performance boats and in the last 9 years, I have lost 6 friends to accidents, everything in life that is fun has consequences but knowing how to prepare yourself for the consequences will save you. If you wear the proper equipment don't put anything in your tank that's toxic you should have a lifetime of enjoyment. Some people like the fact that they have poisonous or toxic things in their tank, I for one am more like you and worry about the consequences but I have had tanks for over 13 years and pay attention to what goes in them and have never had a single problem. It's ultimately your choice whatever you decide Best of luck.
Wish they didn't look so pretty lol

Like others have said, every decision in our life has a potential negative outcome. I love motorcycles and ride my Harley as much as you can in Michigan. I get constantly reminded about people getting hurt or getting killed while riding their bikes. It makes me happy and is worth the risk for me.
I believe that no matter what you do there is always a risk. A fish tank in my eyes is only as dangerous as you make it, while there are some nasty pests and other items that are out of your control. With the proper percautions (Gloves, safety glasses while fraging, drip loops, grounding strap, ECT) it can be a safe and enjoyable hobby.
I understand about the phobia (I am a big guy and cannot stand the sight of spiders). But that does not mean I spend my life with a can of raid in my hand.
Bottom line is, if it makes you happy do it. But if your worry out weighs your happiness maybe you should get out (while I would hate to see you leave the hobby). Good luck with any decision you make.
Thanks all for the support. My immune system is fine and I decided I'm gonna keep it. I think I was just freaking out because the idea of another thing making me sick scared the crap out of me. If I haven't gotten sick from reef keeping though in 15 years, I doubt it's gonna happen. And as many have said, life comes with some risk and in this case, the reward is well worth it.

Thnx all again for the support and no flames. This maybe the last great community on the web :P
Thanks all for the support. My immune system is fine and I decided I'm gonna keep it. I think I was just freaking out because the idea of another thing making me sick scared the crap out of me. If I haven't gotten sick from reef keeping though in 15 years, I doubt it's gonna happen. And as many have said, life comes with some risk and in this case, the reward is well worth it.

Thnx all again for the support and no flames. This maybe the last great community on the web :P

I dont know if your gonna come back and read this but you just took a huge step my friend. A lot of people don't understand how debilitating anxiety can be. It can cause the most mundane things to become the most irrational fears and overcoming them sometimes is an exercise in futility.

I know exactly what you are dealing with because I deal with it myself. I have had anxiety and PTSD for 13 years. While I have zero fear of my tank there are many other things that I don't want to mention that I have yet to conquer. But by you choosing to keep the thing that is causing your irrational fear is a massive accomplishment and not one to play down or look upon lightly.

Just know that there are very few things that can go wrong in this hobby if you take the proper precautions. Just keep plugging along man enjoy your tank get lost in it.
i used to ride motorcycles. had a blast but always in the back of my mind was the danger so i quit. i rode horses for 35 years and aside from a few kicks, being stepped on numerous times and slammed up against barn walls more times than i care to remember, i gave them up when i had back surgery a couple of years ago.

got back into reefing last year with a bit of trepidation. i have 2 artificial hips and i thought seriously about whether or not i wanted to take a chance on the possibility of introducing some sort of bacteria into my body through a cut finger or such that would, inevitably, go straight to my hips and land me somewhere where i knew i did NOT wanna be.

but then i thought, what the hell-o, i'm goin' for it! i'm just really extra, extra careful when handling corals and working in my tanks and so far, so good. it's never far from my mind but then, i could get hit by a bus on my way to work, right? :)

glad you decided to keep it up!