Cap placement.


Active member
I just got a Cap frag.

My tank is a 20g long with a 150mh HQI bulb. Any suggestions on placement, high, low or bottom? What type of flow should I be going for. Direct indirect?

I would leave it at the bottom. They don't need as much light as other sps and if you put it at the top they will grow and shade a lot of of your other corals.
It's chillin on the bottom loving life.

How much flow should I direct at this thing.

Right now I have a Mag3 as a return, notched down, getting less then 150g an hou, but I do have a MJ 900 that goes on for 10 minutes every 2 hours behind the rock work. Do I need to have more flow so the cap doesn't collest detritus.

There are no fish in this system.

Flow has a lot to do with the shape the cap will have. These two photos are of the same colony. 1st on is when I got it. It had been in a tank with a lot less flow than I have now.



The higher flow really chops it up.