Carbon dosing and LPS

Lost my clam on day 7 of vodka dosing. It was perfectly healthy the only thing i can attribute the death to is the vodka.
Never had a problem, if anything I think that they started growing faster. I had a favia that stayed the same for 6 months and after I started dosing vodka they started to grow rapidly.
I ran into problems with my LPS by dosing too much sugar along with vodka and vinegar. I was dosing about a half a teaspoon of sugar every day in a 72 and after I while I noticed my LPS had started to bleach. I lost two trachs but everything else survived. I'm doing 2 ml of vodka now and will stay with that for quite a while.
I ran into problems with my LPS by dosing too much sugar along with vodka and vinegar. I was dosing about a half a teaspoon of sugar every day in a 72 and after I while I noticed my LPS had started to bleach. I lost two trachs but everything else survived. I'm doing 2 ml of vodka now and will stay with that for quite a while.
wow that's a lot of sugar.. Did you have a white out? EDIT: I thought it said tablespoon....

I have a 72 as well and dose 3 ml of Vodka a day.
I lost a wall hammer while dosing VSV. I can't say for certain that it was a related loss, but my gut tells me it was. My uneducated guess is that the VSV helped feed a bacterial infection of the coral. I have no backup for that statement though :) and all other LPS in the tank was fine.
Thanks guys :)
A year ago,while dosing Vodka, I also lost a healthy clam and one Favia started to bleach,so I stopped dosing.
I guess some coral species and some invertebrates are more sensitive then others to the whole VSV thing,thats why I don't know if to give VSV another chance.
Favia - bacteria bloom - vodka dosing

Favia - bacteria bloom - vodka dosing

I was looking up the above title, but stumbled on this thread. I feel like my Favia love the bacteria blooms from vodka dosing. I only dose 3 ml a day, but I get big snowy, blooms often and my favia open up with big long tentacles even more than regular feedings.