Carpet anenome


New member
So I was at Petco tonite, I know, don't hate me.
Anyway, I was getting dog food and always look at their fish selection while I am in there.
I saw something real cool that I had never seen before. Granted, I am still a rookie at this salt water thing. They had a couple carpet anenome in various tanks. The fish seemed to love it and they looked great, which is 50/50 for Petco.
Anyway, I am working on getting my 55 gallon cycled and have some nice live rock in it already. I am going to move over a blue spotted puffer, a yellow tang and a blue tang. Couple of questions:
1. Would this anenome do ok in my makeshift FOWLR tank?
2. Would any of those fish eat/pick at/kill the anenome?
3. Are there any special steps I need to take when bringing home an anenome versus a fish?
There's a Petco around me I trust with my life when it comes to livestock. They are phenomenal with their husbandry. All the others around me are fish concentration camps though. Its all about who's running the fish department. If the person knows what they are doing they can be a good place for livestock at great prices. Heck I have a carpet anemone from them right now that's been with me forever and bigger than my head.

That aside I would agree you aren't ready for an anemone. Please don't take that the wrong way. They are difficult to keep and require an aged tank (6 months +) and higher end equipment, mainly lighting. You have plenty of time in the 6 months to do a bunch of research, ask questions here, and get comfortable with the idea of owning one. Most of us in this anemone forum care about anemones like they are our children so we always look out for their best interest.

Final note I would like to applaud you for making the right decision on waiting. Not many people do that and just jump right in buying stuff and ending up in a whole heap of trouble!