Catching a fish when you have lots of rock...

Mike Swick

New member
Hey, I put 2 danzels in my tank and now i regret it. They attack the other fish sometimes and have already killed one. I want to catch them and take them out but I have a 65 gallon tank with lots of rock. Any suggestions?

Go to sporting goods store & get a "Bait Rig". It is a tiny treble hook rigged on small monofiliment line. Put a small peice of shrimp on on hook & drop it in near the damsel & viola, out he comes with no damage to fish or tank.
I guess I should have read your occupation first. If it is you, dude I am a regular watcher of the UFC. I gotta say up till your last fight, having been in the UFC for 2 fights that totaled 42 seconds that is pretty impressive. What was yor last fight 2 mins and some odd seconds...... what took so Keep it up man.

sometimes an aggressive fish can be mesmerized with a mirror against the glass while you sneak up with a net. There's also the baited bottle.

go to lowes/home depot and get a piece of plexiglass(clear) cut to the inside dimensions of your tank (front to back)(1/4" or smaller on each side and 1"+ smaller in height from the sand to the top of the water......
scare the fish to one side (side with less rock) then slide the plexi in (he wont even see you doing it.) then slide the plexi twords him...remove any rock from the side that he is him and take him back to the LFS.

the plexi costs about 3.00 and you can use the scraps they have from other customers...its great and the easiest way i have found.
Put some shrimp in a net, wait until the damsels go in the net, and swoop them up. :)

I caught both of my damsels that way.
Shrimp in the net works for me too. Something about the odor of fresh/frozen shrimp drives everything crazy in the tank.
Shrimp in the net?!? It was so much easier to take out 3/4 of the lr lol.

Should of tried the sabiki rig, it may have been more sporting!
You could also try a flyrod with a trout fly. Its sporting....and you can cast it from a cozy chair.
Kidding aside, i have had success putting a mirror inside of a glass also.
Excuse me, I am confused. How do you slide a piece pf plexiglass into a tank full of rock and then move it down the tank. I don't get it.