Catching my own plankton?


New member
I am planning on using a 75 micron net out in the bay to catch plankton. I would mix it other food then freeze it, just curious if this has been done/your thoughts on it.
Gross :p

I think some people have done it in CA, but I believe there was talk that it's illigal without a fishing permit. I also wouldn't catch from the bay, as the bay probably has a ton of pollution (especially if you're talking about biscane bay). Maybe if you can get out into the ocean with a plankton net you might be more sucessful (and get cleaner speicimens as well).

Either way good luck and let us know how it goes.
You will need more than just a 75 micron net, you will need a conical plankton net to do this here is instructions how to do it yourself


Probably the last hour of an incoming tyde is the most desirable, the only issue that you need to be aware is that you could also catch undisarable organism in to your net and introduce them to your tank, hopefully, most them will die in the freezing process.

Good luck
I am going out today to get some but I am in New York and I have a boat. Have been doing it for years, no problem.
In all fairness, Paul stands testament to the idea that you can stick just about anything in your tank from the ocean (or harbor sometimes). I'm a fan of Pauls, and I've read a ton of his threads about all sorts of crazy stuff, like how he goes out in the middle of the winter and catch pods under the ice, then feed them to his tank. Also he's got all sorts of awesome memorabilia sunken in his tank, like old pepsi cans and glass bottles and such. He's got such a wicked tank.

If he can catch plankton and pods from the NY area, then we should be fine here, as long as you pay some attention to the tides.
I did not get much plankton on that day, just about a million tiny spearing. Great for lionfish or eels. They can be frozen and used for the entire year. They are about 1/4 to 1/2" long.
I also collected a load of crabs which I also have enough of.
I did get a bunch of amphipods so it was not entirely a loss. I will be going again today.
Have a great day.