Caught these today from shaking some seaweed.


New member
Are they just shrimp? Are they safe for my sump? Or tank? uploadfromtaptalk1408836089549.jpg
sargassum shrimp, sometimes feed them to the fish, have had a few get pretty big in the tank and never seemed to bother anything
pretty safe... great food

i Hear Rogger spends days just shaking out sargassum weed just to make his food!

Just kidding.
Hey there they look just some regular shrimp, but I use to do that and once got a camel back type shrimp and it ate some corals. But man I love looking through sargassum for whatever treasures are there to find. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1408844457.650335.jpg
This and the other two in its series are awesome books for catching local critters.
They are definitely safe! I have one in my nano and it does great. mine seems to be growing pretty fast. cool looking little fella... Since you posted them, when you go to part out your tank, I recommend not posting it "for sale".... Just a suggestion for future reference.... Not worth the risk..
we do this all the time when fishing is slow, get a few dozen for the fish. You will get all kinds of crazy things out of that sarqasum weed. We even did it at the beach one day for a summer fun day and the kids were stocked by all the living things.