I am currently on my second lot of Chaeto Algae. The first was lit by a full spectrum led light (https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01B5IFU3W/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)
After a couple of months i had no growth, the light broke and that was the end of that piece of chaeto.
I researched more into lighting and decided to go with a Par 38, 6500k cool white (https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07B4GBH4Z/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1).
I had really good growth in the first few weeks, it doubled in size. The problem now is, the chaeto is breaking up into millions of tiny pieces, not binding together and the size has shrunk again due to the amount breaking off. However the colour is a deep green, is that a healthy indication? The sump chamber where the chaeto is is full of hair algae, it over takes the section, annoyingly i spend far too much time cleaning it out, could the hair algae cause the chaeto to die? will too much po4 kill the chaeto?
For a while i have been battling my phosphate levels. I got the po4 to a half decent reading, they have been ranging from 0.2 - 0.07, with the help of dosing + reactor. My hope was that the chaeto would absorb the po4 but as soon as the reactor is deminished and dosing stops the po4 increases at a very fast rate. i believe the cause of the high po4 is my lighting, and i will be upgrading it on the next few months to AI prime HD.
I need to keep my chaeto alive and growing does anyone know the reason for it breaking up into tiny pieces? i was even thinking of changing to a cheato reactor, but surely a refugium with a larger area would be more beneficial to the aquarium than the reactor.
i can sort my lights out, but i really need to know why the chaeto is acting this way. any feedback would be :thumbsup:
current water levels
salt - 1.025
ammonia - 0
nitrite - 0
nitrate - 10
calcium - 420
mag - 1400
Alk - 7.4
phos - 0.4 (could be a false reading as last week it was 0.15)
Tank is 9 months old
i have just done a 20% water change and cleaned / vacummed the sump, so i will re-test my water levels in 24hours
After a couple of months i had no growth, the light broke and that was the end of that piece of chaeto.
I researched more into lighting and decided to go with a Par 38, 6500k cool white (https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07B4GBH4Z/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1).
I had really good growth in the first few weeks, it doubled in size. The problem now is, the chaeto is breaking up into millions of tiny pieces, not binding together and the size has shrunk again due to the amount breaking off. However the colour is a deep green, is that a healthy indication? The sump chamber where the chaeto is is full of hair algae, it over takes the section, annoyingly i spend far too much time cleaning it out, could the hair algae cause the chaeto to die? will too much po4 kill the chaeto?
For a while i have been battling my phosphate levels. I got the po4 to a half decent reading, they have been ranging from 0.2 - 0.07, with the help of dosing + reactor. My hope was that the chaeto would absorb the po4 but as soon as the reactor is deminished and dosing stops the po4 increases at a very fast rate. i believe the cause of the high po4 is my lighting, and i will be upgrading it on the next few months to AI prime HD.
I need to keep my chaeto alive and growing does anyone know the reason for it breaking up into tiny pieces? i was even thinking of changing to a cheato reactor, but surely a refugium with a larger area would be more beneficial to the aquarium than the reactor.
i can sort my lights out, but i really need to know why the chaeto is acting this way. any feedback would be :thumbsup:
current water levels
salt - 1.025
ammonia - 0
nitrite - 0
nitrate - 10
calcium - 420
mag - 1400
Alk - 7.4
phos - 0.4 (could be a false reading as last week it was 0.15)
Tank is 9 months old
i have just done a 20% water change and cleaned / vacummed the sump, so i will re-test my water levels in 24hours