Chaetodonts for pest control

Would a mitratus and declivis be clam safe? I have some maxima clams in my sps tank. I've had a tinker in this tank before and he left my clam alone.

I'm assuming that the golden is a big no go with the clams
I don't even think my mitratus has noticed the clam in my tank. He has paid absolutely no attention to it, whatsoever.
Well this is my favourite thread lol Roaps are one of the number one fish in the world for me so hearing and seeing positive results from having them in an sps tank from some hardened keepers just makes me want them more haha

Love the fish and your tank Gary!
Thanks Matt! I guess I'm getting myself on the waitlist for a mitratus butterfly! I've been hesitating due to the clam issue.
Just saw this

Just saw this

Thanks for your kind words, Dom.
Semilarvatus has now been in my aquarium for over one year.

There was a gorgeous lot of butterflies at my lfs when I went :( I'm waiting for a roaps though as I can't risk the others while the tank is just frags :( lol definitely hanging for my butterfly though :)