Change in Skimmate, not skimming. 9010


New member

DOC 9010

So I was skimming good for about 2+ months, then the amount of skimmate slowed down, without any change in livestock feeding etc... Then the foam level seemed to get 90% of the way up the the chamber, even hitting the top, but not leaving much, if any skimmate. The foam is dark. I have the screw opened almost to the end.

I think this happened because of a lot of detrus coming into my sump. I had a snail clog up my over flow and a lot of debris came down into my sump in my efforts to get it out. So I took out the skimmer and rinsed it all out. Did not take the pump out or much apart, just the bottom piece and the stand pipe. A fair amount of ditrus came out when I rinsed it. I put it back in and it started foaming after 18 hours, but it is doing the exact same thing as before. Foam getting 90% up the cup, and no more.
The only thing I have added was a tiny amount of Seachem Reef plus, which I have done before without any skimmer effects.

Also, I have noticed the top of the skimmer does not sit in place, and always pops back (pic included)

In a nutshell, it is not skimming the same as it was, and wondering what is causing the issue, if anything, and what should I do.



The good old days:
My suspicion would be that sediment has partially obstructed the pump and venturi. I would do a thorough disassembly and cleaning, after you get most of the loose and obvious debris out, I would then remove the blue screw and the cup and submerge the entire skimmer in 1 part vinegar to 4 parts RO water, a 7 gallon bucket is perfect for this (old salt bucket). Plug it in and let it run and this will suck the vinegar solution through all the air passages and clean out any salt crusts.
Thanks Roger, I will do that.

Any comments on the top of the skimmer? Is it ok that it is doesn't snap in well?

It should snap in, there is a bit of a trick to it. There are 5 tabs, 4 in each corner that slide in pretty much as you would expect, then in the front center is the tab that locks it all in place. You need to slide it in and push out from inside the skimmer in the front center until you here a click.
Hmmm, so I snapped that piece in, which I did as you said, and the water level gets really high in the skimmer and it does not suck in air any more, since the water level is so high.

Any ideas?
the stand pipe?

When I have the top snapped in, it starts foaming but as the water level rises and goes past the level of the blue screw it obviously starts sucking in only water

I put it back to the position before and it started skimming again, so I think the airline is fine?

Any ideas?

Thank you for the help, :)

I think the elbow of the black outlet pipe was shoved in too far or the blue sponge is above the top of the outlet pipe. The water isn't draining as fast as it needs too.
Roger, the stand pipe was in too much, when I loosened it the water level in the skimmer is now perfect. Thanks a lot, I never would have figured that was the problem! :)

Maybe that will help my skimming?

I don't understand why the top portion of the skimmer gets covered in solid skimmate so much now? Would that be because it is skimming drier? Note, I still have not taken apart the skimmer and soaked it yet, due to time issues, weekend project.

Thanks for you help, appreciated.

Basically your airflow is reduced, so you have drier skimming, the cleaning will likely solve that problem, you could back out the air screw a bit in the meantime.
I am soaking my skimmer at the moment.

how long should I do that and should I have the collection cup in there as well?
Have the skimmer so the entire body is under water, with the blue air adjustment screw removed and the threaded hole submerged. The pump should be plugged in. The cup does not need to be submerged. The goal is to pull the vinegar/water through all the internals to clean any minerals. 6 hrs should be sufficient.
Roger, sorry to keep peppering you with questions, but how do you get the top of the skimmer off the venturi hose? Mine is on real tight and didn't want to pull to hard, or if I should. any tricks to it?

I wouldn't pull it off, it is a nightmare to get back on. In general there is no reason to remove it except replacing the silencer which is not really a DIY project. I can barely do it myself because you have to have pretty small hands to get in the skimmer.

Happy to report that with your help, a couple days after cleaning the skimmer, it is skimming great again.

Thanks for the help,