Charged for overnight shipping when I didn't select it


Premium Member
I made an order yesterday and distinctly remember the total for the order with FedEx express saver shipping. I was VERY specific to make sure I made the right selection as I was not in a huge hurry but I thought the extra few bucks over ground shipping was worth it. Sure enough my order showed up today and I was charged almost $50 for overnight shipping. I called customer service and of course they say I must have made an error...I'm not new to the internet and distinctly remember the exact totals when I submitted the order. I was offered the difference in store credit (I want a refund) but I have to say that I am quite disappointed. He was quick to blame me saying there is NO possible way for this to happen on their end but I know the total when I submitted. Marine Depot definitely won't be my first choice from now on if the shipping can't even be done correctly.
Hi Rick,

I apologize about the troubles on your order. I show that the order was placed on our shopping cart and this is certainly an anomaly if you had selected the 3 day option. I also apologize for the way you were treated when you called. I have tracked down the associate you spoke with and will speak with his supervisor tomorrow. Please contact me (same number, just ask for Ben) and I will do what I can to make it right for you. I truly wish that you'd give us another chance. We have many satisfied customers and your experience is not a common one.

Also just a quick tip, we are located in Southern California and UPS Ground delivers to your area in 3 days guaranteed. There is no need in the future to select an upgraded shipping unless you want it in 2 days or overnight.

Director of Operations

P.S. When I looked into your order, I thought it sounded familiar. Sure enough you were one of our photo contest winners from the past. Would you be interested in submitting a photo or two for the cover of our next catalog? I clicked on your website and saw some great shots.
I appreciate the response Ben, I'll try and give you a call later this afternoon and we'll see what we can work out. I have had many successful orders in the past but I was left very unsatisfied after speaking with whom ever I did yesterday. There was something oddly smug about the person I spoke with. I wasn't looking for more than a "sorry about that, something must have gone whack in our system, here is the difference" rather than how it was explained how this couldn't happen. And you must have been with Marine Depot for a while if you remember that photo contest, I think that was from 2006. I'm sure we can work out something for a cover or two.