Is there a circulation pump with the power cord on the outside of the tank that is cheaper than a Vortech MP 10?
Is there a circulation pump with the power cord on the outside of the tank that is cheaper than a Vortech MP 10?
Not yet !
If I was to buy a Vortech MP 10 here in australia, i'd pay at a minimum of $355 AU.
To put that in context, I could buy several swimming pool pumps for under $150.
Vortech are a rip off (IMO)
They are great pumps, I can't argue that.
I've been stunned to read several people complaining about the magnets rusting on them.
Not sure that exact model, but that brand.
Show me any other propeller pump that has that kind of non failure rate. Or better yet, show me any other company that will replace said broken wet side most times for free regardless of the age, and regardless of whether they are still under warranty or not.
They are great pumps, I can't argue that. However, I also feel that they are WAY overpriced (as is everything Ecotech). Once their patent expires I think you will see the market flood with similar products at half the price. Until then, you either have to go with Ecotech, or have the cord in the tank.
1779.00$ Holy crap!!
The new AI Nero is similar in size to the MP40 a.....