Check out this angel

Rogger Castells

New member
Today as I was checking out one of my LFS I was almost in shock when I saw a juvenile angel that although it was not fully developed it was clear that it was a Regal angel, I have never seen one of this at this color changing stage, best of all he was eating in the little cubicle were he was.
Needless to say I guarded this find until someone with a net passed by, he is now residing among the lower caves of my tank and I must say he is a total pleassure to watch in person, here are some pics he allowed me to take. Hope you enjoy


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12390484#post12390484 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by koiscapes
need to invest a little money into a camera................Nice Find.

are you referring to your camera or mine? :D
Great find!!!! forget about the camera thing. In the immortal words of Cartman....."Screw you guys!!!" Just kidding. But a great fish. Good Luck
Nice Regal Roger!!!..... New camera? for reefer pics. The thought occurred to me once also. Check out the photography forum on RC. You thought reefing was expensive and insane ;) , check those guys out. LOL
Very nice Rogger, but what about it nipping at corals? I am afraid to get any angels because of the coral problems.
From my observation and previous experience, MOST angels will not bother SPS's but will eat LPS's and Zoas, in my tank they already ate the few zoas I had and I do not have any LPS's other than the two large brains in the front of the tank, I have seen the Ansfur and the POMA go after those two corals top epidermis but since I feed plenty they have now stopped and rather eat the easy meal I guess, both corals have recup completely now.
I also observed the Poma Angel nip at every single tip of the big Miami Orchid but after a few days the coral tips were totally regenerated and I have not seen him doing it again.
At the end I enjoy seeing this creatures in their close to natural habitat more than in a fish only setting and I am willing to take some lost to see this happening.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12392010#post12392010 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AquamanE
Nice Regal Roger!!!..... New camera? for reefer pics. The thought occurred to me once also. Check out the photography forum on RC. You thought reefing was expensive and insane ;) , check those guys out. LOL

I agree, thats why when ever I need a professional picture taken I call the Republicans, to come and take pictures with their machine gun looking camera's :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12392183#post12392183 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by brians4671
mmmm angels my fav wow roger straight in the tank? no qt?
drip/drop and pray

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12392183#post12392183 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by brians4671
mmmm angels my fav wow roger straight in the tank? no qt?

Yeah, I am not a believer of qt fish, I did took a bite in the a$$ once that I brought a fish infected with Marine Velvet and wiped almost my entire population of fish, However the circumstances were different then than now and I think I would have been able to save the fishes if this was to happen to me today.
As far as the dripping I don't do that either, I float the bag to equalize the temperature and then grab the fish with my hands no net and put it in the water.
I also ask the fish store not to use a net when catching my fish unless they have the kind that are not abrasive to the fish.