Check valve on CO2 system

I do not. I had a very hard time getting a consistent bubble count with the check valve. When I removed it the bubble count was rock steady.
I do. I am sure you already know this but the check valve is one specially designed for CO2. (Not a normal check you would use on say a regular air pump)
I have the large brass one I got from marine depot. It was like $30.00 I think and made for co2. I am having a very hard time keeping my bubble count steady. I wonder if this check valve is my problem. Is anyone out there using this valve? Is the check valve really needed? Thanks for any info.
I have the brass one from Marine Depot on order but now am concerned about consistent bubble count. However, I think by using a controller the bubble count is not as important. Is that correct?
I too was having inconsistent bubble count, so I bought a controller. Now even if bubbles are inconsistent, the ph stays consistent in the chamber. The corals are happy, so I'm happy :D

Oh, I too use a Dennerle check valve.
